TALON Grips are being used by LE agencies nationally to enhance the safety and shooting performance of officers. We can help you get TALON Grips approved for use on your department issued guns. Testimonials and qualification results from several LE agencies that have tested and are currently using TALON Grips are available for your review.
The following is part of a testimonial that we can supply on agency letterhead.
“The Grips have made a significant improvement to the feel and gripping surface of our firearms. Our test with the grips was with our newest hired Deputy. He has been shooting the Glock 22 Gen 3 and 4 for the past 7 years. His range scores have been low for some time but he always passed.
He continues, “We shoot the State Firearm Qualification which is 50 rounds, from 3 feet out to 15 yards. He shot the course of fire and was amazed. His score went from upper 70% in past years to 98% with the TALON Grips. He said the grips were the reason for his improvement, he said from the first grip in his holster to the shoot and sweep his hand never moved and was comfortable.”
TALON Grips has a T&E program that enables your agency to test TALON Grips first hand. For more information on our LE Program please contact us at le@talongrips.com

I have been a customer of Talon Grips forever and usually when i order a gun on line I order my Talon grips before the gun gets to me. I use them on all my pistols because being 70+ your hand strength is weaker than it use to be. In turn,with age your grip is not quite as tight as it use to be. Using Talon grip helps me to keep my follow up shots much better. You don’t need to be my age to buy Talon grips just someone that likes control in shooting. I use the rubberized grips for all my guns. Not payed to say this or ever met anyone from Talon grips, just believe in their products. Ralph Celia
I absolutely love Talon grips. They make shooting firearms so much more enjoyable and easy and you have so much more control over the shooting.