A veteran police officer recently wrote a letter to TALON Grips. With 19 years of experience on the force, he had tried several grip products on his firearms. One day he came across TALON Grips on Youtube and decided to give them a try for his off duty carry Glock 19. Within hours of receiving the grips for his Glock 19, he went on and ordered a set for each firearm that he owned, including his duty carry Glock 21 Gen4.
According to the letter, “The Talon Grips are easy to install and the fit to the weapon is spot on. The texture of the grip is amazing! The wetter the grip becomes, the tackier it gets.”

The letter continues on, “This was the case during firearms qualifications in October in South Dakota, which was not pleasant due to inclement weather. As we were qualifying, several officers were complaining about holding on to their firearm. I was not having this issue due to the fact that I had a pair of Talon Grips on my duty weapon. Several officers shot my firearm in the cold rain and were amazed with the improvement in control and approached our Chief about the grips.
A week later, I was authorized and purchased a set for every department weapon. After several months of active patrol duties and various climate changes, not one officer has had a defect or complaints about the Talon Grips.
I cannot say enough about Talon Grips and what an outstanding product it is. For the price, customer service and installation, it is by far the best firearm grip (wrap) on the market today!”
TALON Grips is honored to be able to make a difference and help protect those who protect us. We support our Law Enforcement and Military personnel with discounts for their service. If you are serving or have served and would like to inquire about our department or individual discount program, please contact Mike Morris at Mike@TalonGrips.com
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