After the whirlwind of SHOT Show in Las Vegas we decided to attend the IWA Outdoor Classics Tradeshow in Nuremberg Germany on March 9-12. Our booth number is 9-303 and is shared with Blackhawk! Apparel, Fobus Holsters, Kestrel Weather Trackers, and Tru-Spec Boots.
Over the last 44 years IWA OutdoorClassics has developed into a world-leading trade fair for hunting, shooting sports, equipment for outdoor activities and for civilian and official security applications. 58.5 % of the 49,253 trade visitors in 2017 came to Nuremberg from 119 countries outside Germany and 79% of the altogether 1,504 exhibitors too. IWA OutdoorClassics offers an unparalleled international spectrum of products. IWA is truly an outdoor marketplace for the world.