History of Service To fully understand how Talon Grips plays a critical role in defending the homeland we have to go back to the beginning. In 2009 TALON Grips was started out of a desire to improve comfort and safety…
The Chatham County NC Sheriff’s Office Reviews TALON Grips
The Chatham County Sheriff’s Office recently participated in the TALON Grips T&E Program and reviewed TALON Grips on their duty weapons. Following is their feedback: “I received the above item (TALON Grip) for a test evaluation for our large handgun…
TALON Grips Is Sponsoring The Mountain States SWAT Training Competition
TALON Grips is proud to be sponsoring the Mountain States SWAT Training Competition in Thistle, UT on October 6th and 7th. There will be over 250 SWAT operators competing day and night on live fire courses, force-on-force scenarios, obstacle courses and more. Net proceeds go…
Get TALON Grips Approved For Use On Your Duty Weapons
TALON Grips are being used by LE agencies nationally to enhance the safety and shooting performance of officers. We can help you get TALON Grips approved for use on your department issued guns. Testimonials and qualification results from several LE agencies that have tested and…
State Law Enforcement Agency Tests TALON Grips
One of the larger State Law Enforcement Agencies in the US recently tested TALON Grips. Each member of the graduating class was provided with a TALON Grip for their Gen 4 Glock 17. Training conditions included indoor and outdoor shooting with…
Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office Evaluates TALON Grips
TALON Grips has been evaluated by numerous law enforcement agencies and professionals in the last year. Below is the complete evaluation from the Special Operation Swat Commander and Range Master. Click here to read the entire evaluation: Testimonial-Culpeper-SO
Box Butte Sheriff’s Office Believes in TALON Grips
Box Butte Sheriff’s Office in Nebraska outfitted their entire department after a field test. A veteran officer had passed his qualifications every time since joining the department 7 years ago. According to his evaluating officer, “After installing a TALON Grip, his passing score went from…
TALON Grips Supports ANOA 2015
Earlier this year more than 500 sworn officers gathered for the Arizona Narcotic Officers Association (ANOA) Training Conference. Officers gathered from all over Arizona as well as surrounding states for the week long training. The classes ranged from Investigative Techniques to…
NTOA Conference 2015 in Salt Lake City
Thank you to all that attended and checked in a the TALON Grips booth at the National Tactical Officers’ Association show in Salt Lake City. We enjoyed meeting so many of you that had heard about our products, but never…

Sturgis Police Department Gets a Grip!
A veteran police officer recently wrote a letter to TALON Grips. With 19 years of experience on the force, he had tried several grip products on his firearms. One day he came across TALON Grips on Youtube and decided to…