Handgun enthusiasts today have more options than ever before when it comes to the size and fit. Users of the Sig Sauer P320 are no exception. The Sig P320 comes in four different sizes (Full Size, Carry, Compact and Sub Compact) and each size has either two or three grip module sizes available. Each grip module has a two or three letter designation on the lower part of the backstrap. Below is a table showing all possible letter combinations for the eleven grip module options. The black box denotes the size module that comes with the firearm from the factory.

This image shows several models and location of the model/size designation on the lower portion of the backstrap.
Here is a zoomed image showing a Compact-Large (left) and Compact-Small (right)
Newer modules have the model and size designated on the right side of the rail assembly


We hope this helps shed a little light on which P320 model and size you have.

Click here to order P320 grips

Click here to order P320 X-Five grips


Sig P320 Modules… What size?
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